Windows Got Ya Down? Try a Remix By Joel Johnson, 02:00 AM Aug. 23, 2005 PT
Remixed versions of Windows abound on file-sharing networks, supercharged with the latest security patches, tools and applications.
Pirated copies of Microsoft's operating system have existed as long as chintzy PC owners themselves. But now pirates are doing more than just cracking Windows -- they claim to be improving it.
There's a lot of extra space on a standard Windows XP CD, especially if the downloadable disc images (the standard format for distributing pirated operating systems) are designed to be burned to DVD. That leaves room to add a whole library of complementary software -- even multiple versions of Windows.
The Super WinPE Ultimate Boot CD 2004 Pro, readily available on file-sharing networks like BitTorrent, offers seven different versions of Windows XP on a single DVD.